Financing FAQs
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All deposits can be made via multiple payment methods on our client portal. For your first deposit, we’ll request you verify your account deposit. Once deposits have been received, your funds will be kept in segregated accounts with global, secure banks for added tiers of security. All future deposits made by the same account and method will be instant.
Supported currencies for deposits and withdrawals are AED, USD, GBP and EUR.
As we adhere strictly to local laws and procedures, we do not accept or process third-party payments (including family members).
If you have further questions, either scroll down to read our payment FAQs or contact our friendly team.You can email [email protected] to reach us.
Request to withdraw your funds directly from our client portal. All withdrawal requests are processed daily by our team. Requests received before 12:00 GMT on a business day may be processed within the same day, any requests received after this time are processed on a ‘best endeavors’ basis.
Withdrawals are returned to the source of original payment. This will be done in line with our strict anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism financing Local Laws and procedures and may include you having to provide additional identification and proof the bank account belongs to you.
The financing cost for your CFD trade is referred to as ‘rollover.’ This is the interest paid depending on the size of the position and for holding a position past 20:45 GMT. For index CFDs, any dividend adjustments issued are included in the rollover amount as well.
The formula for financing cost is as follows:
Closing Price of the Index * the interest rate / 100 / Number of Days +/- Dividends * Trade Size.
Pay attention to open positions on Fridays. If you hold a position over the weekend on rolling commodities or indices, the rollover is charged 3 times as you’ll be unable to close a position until the markets open on Monday AM. When trading forex, most 3 rolls will be charged on Wednesdays however some exceptions may apply.
To avoid rollover charges, make sure to close any open positions before 20:45 GMT.
The rollover rate (or ‘swap fee/rate’) is the cost of holding a currency pair overnight – it is the rate at which interest in one currency will be exchanged for interest in another currency—that is, a swap rate is the interest rate differential between the traded forex pair.
This is important when you still have open positions by 5pm ET (9pm GMT) on a trading day, as it will be ‘held overnight’ and charged a swap fee/rate (or ‘rollover fee/rate’) that’s specific to the margin or product you’re trading on.
Here’s a few scenarios to help you understand how to calculate entry & exit costs. Let’s use a ‘USOIL scenario’ where we assume that the initial deposit is USD$1,500 & the trading account currency is USD. The leverage is ‘1:100’, the initial margin required is USD$57, the nominal value of the position is 1000 barrels (100 Lots) & the spread is 3.6 pips.
Favorable Scenario: Client buys 100 lots of USOil at 57.018 (ASK) and the market moves up 33.6 pips within two hours. The client decides to close out their position at 57.318 (BID) which creates a profit of USD$300.
Moderate Positive Scenario: Client buys 100 lots of USOil at 57.018 (ASK) and the market moves up 16.8 pips within two hours. The client decides to close out their position at 57.150 (BID) which creates a profit of USD$132.M
Moderate Negative Scenario: Client buys 100 lots of USOil at 57.018 (ASK) and the market moves down 16.8 pips within two hours. The client decides to close out their position at 56.814 (BID) which creates a loss of USD$204.
Unfavorable Scenario: Client buys 100 lots of USOil at 57.018 (ASK) and the market moves down 33.6 pips within two hours. The client decides to close out their position at 56.646 (BID) which creates a loss of USD$372.
Stress Scenario: Client buys 100 lots of USOil at 57.018 (ASK) and the market moves down 185.0 pips within two hours. The position is stopped out and the system closes out their position at 55.132 (BID) creating a loss of USD$1,886.