STP forex tutorials
Video Description
STP forex tutorials

Episode 1
Forex Basics
What is Forex?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 2
Forex Basics
What assets are traded in Forex?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 3
Forex Basics
How to measure profits and losses?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 4
Forex Basics
Forex brokers and platforms

STP forex tutorials

Episode 5
Forex Basics
What is spread?
What is slippage?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 6
Forex Basics
What is a price chart?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 7
Forex Basics
Candlesticks and their types

STP forex tutorials

Episode 8
Forex Basics
Timeframes and their types
What timeframe is suitable for you?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 9
Forex Basics
What is price action?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 10
Forex Basics
What are the minimum requirements for trading?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 11
Forex Basics
Who is a successful trader?

STP forex tutorials

Episode 12
Forex Basics
False beliefs

STP forex tutorials

Episode 13
Forex Basics
The big picture

STP forex tutorials

Episode 14
Forex Basics
Understanding price movement and candle types

STP forex tutorials

Episode 15
Forex Basics
What is a setup?

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